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Symptoms of prostate cancer went unnoticed

Other serious injuries

radiotherapy medical

During 2006 and 2007 I began having problems with my waterworks. I consulted my GP on a number of occasions and was prescribed with antibiotics. These did not work.

On the advice of work colleagues I went onto the internet to look up the symptoms of prostate cancer. I was surprised at how many of my symptoms fitted the description given. I went to see my GP who again wanted to prescribe antibiotics but I explained what I had discovered about my symptoms. Only then did my GP send me for a blood test.

I was told the cancer was too advanced to be able to operate and I had to have radiotherapy which brought my cancer under control but I have to continue having hormone injections. My quality of life has been affected and I have found it hard to come to terms with the effects of this.

At the outset, my solicitors explained the whole process to me. It was comforting to know that someone was interested in my case and were willing to assist me in obtaining justice. It was certainly daunting taking on the medical profession but my solicitors helped me every step of the way.

My first concern was cost. My solicitors were able to use a policy of legal fees insurance I had on my household policy of insurance. I did not even know it was there but once my solicitors had notified the insurers and been given the authority to act I had peace of mind with regard to costs and I knew there would be no surprise bills coming at the end of the case.

My solicitors used some of the leading experts in the country to assist with the case. There were many complications in the case, particularly with regard to the damage the alleged negligence had actually caused. The GP could not, of course, be blamed for the illness in the first place but my solicitors had to explain how we had to work out the cause of the illness if the alleged negligence had not occurred. It was a comfort to have this explained in my own home.

The situation was further complicated by the fact that the different GP’s in the practice had different insurers and one GP did not even have insurance at all. I found this very worrying, especially as I had seen a number of different GP’s at the surgery at about that time.

Fortunately my solicitor was able to talk to all the Parties involved and they were able to come to a satisfactory agreement which provided for the payment of significant damages to me without the need for lengthy court proceedings.

I know that Simon and his team have worked hard for me and I do not think that I would have been able to obtain this compensation if it had not been for Stamp, Jackson and Procter.

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