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Suffering with a pain in my hand

Nerve Damage

Nerve Damage Hand Pain

I had been suffering with a pain in my hand for a while and I saw a doctor at the hospital about it. I was advised to have a straightforward operation which I was told would cure my problems. Everything seemed straightforward.

During the operation I felt a terrible sharp pain. I hit the roof. When the operation finished and the anaesthetic wore off I realised something was wrong. I couldn’t use my hand properly and it felt like electric shocks were going through my fingers. I hoped the pain would wear off but it did not. When it stopped me from doing simple things around the house and playing with my grandchildren like I used to I reluctantly decided to take legal advice to see whether there was anything I could do about it.

The solicitors came to see me at home. I found Neil and Mark easy to get on with. They took an interest in me and my case. They explained it clearly and did what they said they would do. I got a medical report from one expert who said I did not have a case and I thought the case would be over. Neil did not accept what he said and kept fighting for me. We got another report from another expert which said I did have a case. We involved a barrister who helped assess my case and I was told what to expect in compensation which I agreed with. We put my case to the hospital and told them what I would settle for. The hospital tried to argue that I did not have a case but my solicitors kept fighting for me and before Court action got under way the hospital agreed to my terms.

It was never too much trouble for Neil or Mark to come and see me at home and the way they fought for me after getting the report which said I did not have a case was very pleasing. I would recommend them.

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