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Successful medical claim for nerve damage during hip operation causing foot drop

Nerve Damage

Nerve Damage Surgery

I went into hospital for a hip operation and whilst I was in surgery a clamp was used which trapped and caused damage to a nerve in my hip/upper leg. This damage to the nerve has resulted in foot drop, which has affected my daily life.

I have been pleased that I got in touch with SJP Law as Mark has been fantastic over the five and a half years it has taken to reach a settlement. Both Mark and Donna have been calm and supportive all the way through.

Mark explained the process in clear and easy to understand language at every stage.  Every stage was written down in detail and supplied to me to make sure I completely understood all aspects of the claim process as it progressed.

During the process I had to go and see medical experts to ascertain the extent of my injury and SJP Law organised everything for me, all I had to do was travel to the appointment.

I would absolutely recommend Mark and his assistant Donna to anyone in similar circumstances, they have been honest, straightforward and fantastic in helping me get a settlement for my nerve damage caused by the hip operation.

I would certainly use their services again, should I need to.

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