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Successful compensation claim for client after they suffered delay in receiving medical treatment

Other serious injuries

back pain image

In October 2010 I was on holiday in Tenerife with my wife when I began suffering with back pain and experiencing problems with my bladder. Upon arriving home I visited my GP who advised me to attend the Accident and Emergency Department at my local hospital.

I had numerous tests and was admitted to hospital but the medical staff failed to diagnose the onset of Cauda Equina Syndrome for a period of 22 days. Once diagnosed I had a surgical procedure to relieve the CES but due to the 22 day delay in receiving treatment the relief was only modest and I was left with permanent impaired bladder function and weakness in my lower legs.

Before the surgery I had experienced some health issues but I was still able to lead a very active life. A retired builder, I was regularly able to carry out building jobs at home and for my family and as a keen motorcyclist I could maintain and ride powerful motorbikes. Unfortunately once I’d had the surgery I was no longer able to do any of these activities.

The weakness in my lower legs means that my home will need to be adapted as I can no longer manage the stairs and my vehicle has also had to be adapted. I can no longer ride my beloved motorcycles or even a pedal cycle and I am reliant on the care of my wife and family. I was enjoying my retirement but since the surgery I can no longer take pleasure in the activities I used to love to do.

I was put in touch with Stamp, Jackson and Procter Solicitors. I explained what had happened with the diagnosis and surgery and the repercussions my family and I had suffered. SJP Law agreed to take on my case.

Over the next several years SJP Law helped me see the necessary experts and explained their findings to me. It wasn’t an easy case as the Defendant refused to admit the full extent of my condition, arguing that my other pre-existing medical conditions were causing or contributing to my disability. However to their credit SJP Law fought hard and after declining a number of low offers they were able to recover appropriate damages, sufficient enough for me to either move into a new house that caters for my disabilities or have my current home adapted for my needs.

Unfamiliar with the litigation process, I found that Shaun and his team at SJP Law were always available to provide advice and reassurance when I needed it. They arranged all the necessary specialists, looked after all the correspondence and regularly kept me up–to-date with proceedings.

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