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Successful claim for head and other physical injuries after being knocked off a bike

Other serious injuries

man on bike

I was cycling my usual route to work when I was struck from behind by a car. This knocked me off my bike, onto the bonnet of the car and to the ground. I had to be airlifted from the scene of the accident to the hospital.

While I was in hospital my family were advised to speak to SJP Law and Neil Holland visited me to provide immediate advice and assistance. My details and claim were then handled by Mark Slade who quickly contacted the Defendant and arrangements were made with their insurer to have an Immediate Needs Assessment carried out and, thereafter, access a number of rehabilitation services.

Liability for the accident was resolved without the need for court proceedings and I was able to engage fully with all of the therapy that was offered to me. As part of this process a Case Manager was appointed, Lauren, and she helped hugely with the organising of the therapies and liaised with me regularly.

This was a great help in getting me back to work and assisting in my recovery.

Mark arranged for a number of medical appointments to obtain the necessary evidence in my claim and clearly explained everything to me in a calm and supportive manner all the way through. Every stage was written down in detail and supplied to me to make sure I completely understood all aspects of the claim process as it progressed.

Mark worked closely with Lauren, the therapists, medical experts and the Defendant and, once final medical evidence was obtained, was able to secure a settlement without the need for any court proceedings. This was a great relief to me.

I would absolutely recommend Mark Slade and SJP Law to anyone in similar circumstances, they have been clear, straightforward and fantastic in helping me get a settlement following my accident.

I would certainly use their services again, should I need to.

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