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SJP Law helped me after sustaining a serious back injury and neurological problems due to a car crash

Spinal cord injury

Car Crash Back Injury Claim

It was a wet evening in February 2012. I was travelling down the road when a Peugeot van came out of a side street and pulled straight out in front of me.

I didn’t have time to brake so collided with the nearside of the van, that made my car swerve and I only came to a standstill when I hit a bollard.

As a result of the accident I sustained a serious back injury and it also made my neurological condition which I suffer from, worse. Over time it became apparent I wasn’t going to be able to return to work as a warehouse operative due to my injuries and so I was made redundant.

I have a young family and my son is disabled with a rare condition. Being made redundant and not being able to work, through no fault of my own, put a huge financial strain on my wife and myself. My wife was working long hours and then having to come home to look after myself and my sons needs. Life was a real struggle.

I was put in touch with Stamp, Jackson and Procter. I explained what had happened with the accident and the repercussions my family had suffered as a consequence and SJP Law were happy to take on my case.

Over the next three years SJP Law helped me see the necessary back injury specialists and psychiatrists and explained their findings to me. The findings were used to bring a case against the other driver’s insurance company. Throughout the next three years SJP Law regularly kept me up–to-date with proceedings and even at points when there was nothing to report they would call to see how I was getting on, which I found really supportive. SJP Law looked after all the correspondence and if there were any decisions to be made they explained the details in layman’s terms so that I could easily understand.

After three years the case has now been settled and the compensation has allowed me to feel that I’m contributing to the security of my family again. It has helped us move to be closer to my family so that we have a support network around us, something we didn’t have before.

The team at SJP Law really were outstanding and I couldn’t recommend them highly enough. If anyone finds themselves in a similar situation then I would definitely advise giving them a call.

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