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Knee Replacement and Post Surgery Infection

Other serious injuries

knee pain image

In 2014, the SJP Law team successfully represented a client in her action against a hospital trust, after she was subjected to a premature knee replacement following an infection. 

The Case

In 2007, the client underwent an arthroscopy of her knee. Following this she developed an infection which was mismanaged, causing  significant damage to the knee joint and cartilage. This resulted in the client having to undergo several surgical procedures, including a total knee replacement and arthrodesis (fusing) of her right knee. 

Following this knee surgery, she was left severely disabled, and largely confined to a wheelchair.

Our client alleged that the hospital had been negligent in their treatment of the initial infection, and that this had led to a premature knee replacement and subsequent complications. She argued that without this surgery, she would still have a functional knee. 

The Client

Our client was born in 1965, and had suffered a serious head injury when she was younger. Although she had made a good recovery, it had left her with some problems including a speech disorder. However, she did not have any significant mobility restrictions and was an independent full time mother and housewife. 

The surgical procedures she had following the infection culminated in a total knee replacement. Following this replacement, our client suffered further infections and had to have an arthrodesis of the knee (fusing the knee artificially) leaving her with a leg which she is unable to bend and it is four inches shorter than her other. 

This has left the client with a serious disability and she is now largely confined to a wheelchair.  

The Results

The defending trust chose to fight the case, and it went to the High Court. 

The case was fairly complex, in that there was evidence that our client would have required a total knee replacement at a later date anyway, due to the gradual and natural deterioration of her knee. 

It was down to SJP Law to prove that the damage caused to our client’s knee by the negligent treatment of her initial infection contributed to our client needing an early knee replacement and all of her subsequent complications.

We successfully argued the case, and the defending trust were found liable for mis-managing the initial infection and all of the consequences that followed including the need for an early total knee replacement and the fusing of the knee. 

We obtained an initial interim payment for our client in the sum of £100,000. We are currently obtaining evidence to support the final value of her claim which will pay for suitable accommodation, high quality treatment, rehabilitation and medical equipment which she needs to improve her quality of life. 

How SJP Law Can Help You

At SJP Law, our expert legal team specialise in supporting clients with serious and high value medical negligence claims. With a strong reputation for providing high quality, personalised legal support and honest, expert advice, we’re here to help you at every step of the way.

Committed to upholding the highest standards, we only take on cases where we believe it is in your best interests, and where we are confident that we will win. Working closely to understand your situation and care needs, our team will work tirelessly to ensure that you get the right results, compensation and care you need. 

If you or any of your family members have suffered a serious injury as a result of medical negligence and want to discuss a claim, please contact a friendly, expert member of the SJP team today on 01482 324591 or by email at [email protected].

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