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I was working for a global construction company as a Field Services Electrician in August 2011 when I slipped on a spillage of liquid clay on a building site in London

Other serious injuries

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I was working for a global construction company as a Field Services Electrician in August 2011 when I slipped on a spillage of liquid clay on a building site in London. I fell badly and was taken to hospital suffering from a fracture to my left wrist and to the metatarsal in my left foot.

At the time of the accident the injuries appeared quite modest and the fractures healed fairly quickly, but over time I developed excruciating and debilitating pain in my left arm.

As a result of the continuing pain, I had to undergo a number of investigative X-rays and nerve conduction studies, as well as attend the Orthopaedic clinic for physiotherapy and receive cortisone injections. During this time I also underwent an operation for carpal tunnel which added to my suffering.

It was elevens month after my accident that I was eventually told by a treating consultant in pain medicine that I’d developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CPRS) in my left arm as a direct result of the fracture I had suffered. I was offered spinal cord stimulation treatment but I couldn’t face the potential risks associated with the therapy and so I declined.

Before the accident I was a fit and active person, living and enjoying life to the fullest. However following the accident I found I was no longer able to work. The pain was constant and I became very depressed. This put incredible strain on my family and me. Faced with the reality that due to the accident I would not be able to work again, I got in contact with Shaun Rylands at SJP Law to discuss claiming against my former employer. From our initial discussions and throughout the case, Shaun and his team were a constant source of support. There were times when I was tempted to give up my claim however Shaun reassured me that I was doing the right thing and to see it through.

I had to visit a number of medical experts and underwent specialist pain management treatment with anti-neuropathic pain medication as well as psychological therapy. Shaun organised my Doctors reports and made sure I received the best treatment. I was kept informed at every stage of the process.

It was a hard fought case but Shaun was able to get a settlement for 90% of my claim. This included compensation for my injuries and financial losses relating to salary and pensions.

The accident was life changing. It affected not only me but my family and we continue to live with the consequences. However, thanks to Shaun and SJP Law we are now able to move on with our lives and I cannot sing their praises enough. I would highly recommend anyone who is unfortunate enough to find themselves in similar circumstances, to contact the SJP Law team.

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