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I was told I needed surgery for suspected appendicitis

Other serious injuries

man sat medical claim

I had been suffering with stomach pain so I went to the hospital. I was told I needed surgery for suspected appendicitis. I had the surgery but there were complications. It took a while for this to settle and I was not well when I was discharged. Things were not right so I had to go back into hospital and I was told that some damage had occurred during the first operation that needed to be put right. Unfortunately this did not cure it either. All in all I needed several operations and I was laid up for nearly two years.

It was a huge burden for my family during those two years. My wife had to become my carer as well as looking after the rest of the family. I ran a small business at the time and she had to take over the running of that as well. Not being able to run the business had a big impact on us financially.

After all that had gone on I decided to take legal advice to see why it had taken so long to deal with what I thought was a simple operation and whether I would be entitled to compensation for the losses me and my family had suffered.

My solicitors came to see me at home and explained what they could do to help. I was worried about legal costs but they offered me a No Win No Fee agreement which was explained. They told me the steps they would take to investigate my case and I agreed to hire them to investigate my case. They did what they promised to do.

We used some of the country’s best experts from Bristol and London to assess my case. My solicitors paid for the experts expenses. We also used an experienced barrister from Leeds who also agreed to act for me on No Win No Fee. We had a face to face meeting with the barrister and I was told that my case was going to be very difficult. Despite this my solicitors promised to fight to achieve a settlement for me even though we knew there was a good chance we might lose.

I was pretty much resigned to coming away with nothing especially after the hospitals solicitors told me I did not have a case. However, Neil and Mark kept faith in my case and got Court action started for me. We discussed a settlement package and I agreed to put that to the Hospital’s solicitors. I was delighted when Mark telephoned to tell me that they had accepted my terms.

The compensation will make a big difference to me and my family. I do not think I would have got it if it was not for the expertise and persistence of Stamp Jackson & Procter.

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