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I was admitted to Hull Royal Infirmary in November 2006 for a planned hysterectomy

Other serious injuries

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I was admitted to Hull Royal Infirmary in November 2006 for a planned hysterectomy. There were no complications from the operation itself however within a short while I was taken seriously ill and it was discovered I was suffering from an American strain of MRSA. A simple test upon being admitted to hospital would have shown that I was carrying the bacteria on my skin after contracting the infection at work, but I was completely unaware of this and the hospital did not deem the test necessary.

During the operation the bacteria entered my abdomen and infected my blood and tissue. I ended up on a life support machine for five months during which time my body not only had to fight the MRSA but Septicaemia and Peritonitis. To treat the conditions the hospital gave me strong antibacterial antibiotics called Teicoplanin but I was given twice the recommended dosage which caused permanent damage to my ears. I lost complete hearing in the left ear and partial hearing in my right. The significant damage to my inner ear caused balance problems.

I was in hospital for a total of eight months and once released I spent months recovering in bed at home. Unfortunately during this time my marriage broke down and I was unable to return to work due to suffering with pain in my abdomen, hearing loss and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder so my children and I moved to be nearer to my family so that they were able to support and help me as the operation had proved to be life changing.

I was talking to a friend about my circumstances and they recommended I call Neil Holland at Stamp, Jackson and Procter LLP. From the first telephone conversation with Neil, he put me at ease and I felt I could tell him everything I had been through. Neil was certain there was a case to be answered and a claim was made against the Hospital.

Throughout my case I found Neil and his team to be friendly and reassuring and they were always available for support and advice. At all critical points they kept me fully informed and let me make the decision I felt was right for me.

Even though the hospital would not accept liability for the MRSA, as I had contracted this before my operation, they did admit to giving me twice the recommended dosage of Teicoplanin and I was awarded damages for my permanent loss of hearing and other inner ear problems.

Although my case is settled I still continue to receive advice and support from Stamp, Jackson and Procter LLP as they are able to advise on how to invest the money I was awarded to ensure my needs are looked after in the future. I’m a huge advocate for Stamp, Jackson and Procter LLP and recommend their services to everyone who needs friendly legal advice.

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