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I fell and injured my left knee.

Other serious injuries

knee injury

In September 2010 I fell and injured my left knee. I was referred to the Orthopaedic Department at my local hospital and following an appointment with a consultant was advised that I needed urgent surgery due to a suspected meniscal tear. As is normal before surgery, I attended a pre-operation assessment where I made it clear and it was noted that there was a close family history of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). In fact six members of my mother’s family, including my Mother, had all died suddenly from blood clots.

I had the operation in late December 2010 and was discharged home with surgical stockings which I was instructed to put on once my dressing was taken off, 48 hours after surgery. Five days later I developed severe pain and swelling in my left leg and was rushed to A&E in an ambulance. There I was diagnosed with extensive and life threatening DVT and was immediately put on medication.

I ended up spending a month in hospital and even once I was home my leg continued to swell meaning I had to have another MRI scan which led to further treatment. This limited my mobility and even now, six years later I rely on medication and the use of a wheel chair and walking stick.

It was whilst I was at home convalescing that I heard an advert on the radio about claiming for medical negligence. I felt the hospital had a case to answer to because I didn’t think they had taken enough preventative measures to stop me developing DVT given my family history.

I gave the medical accident claimline a call and was put in touch with Mark Slade at Stamp, Jackson and Procter who listened to the details and was willing to take on my case.

Mark arranged for me to see the necessary experts in order to prove my case. I learnt that because of my medical history I should have been on blood thinning Heparin for a week before my operation in order to reduce the risk of DVT however this was never prescribed.

The service I received from Mark and SJP was excellent. I was always able to speak directly to Mark and he was happy to explain anything which was unclear. He was even prepared to visit me at home to discuss the next steps in my case when I was struggling with limited mobility.

For a time it did feel as though nobody at the hospital was prepared to take responsibility however Mark and his team persisted and given the evidence they did eventually accept liability and I was awarded a substantial settlement.

I was so pleased with the service I received from SJP that I’ve already recommended Mark and the team to a number of family and friends.

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