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Coping with clinical failure

Cerebral Palsy - Injury during childbirth

Woman Coping with Traumatic Child Birth

A mother, in what was to become one of Stamp Jackson & Procter’s most rewarding cases in terms of achieving a better quality of life, knew that the birth of her daughter had not gone according to plan. However it was three years later, after doing all they could for the brain damaged child, that she and her husband mentioned their problems when consulting a partner at Stamp Jackson & Procter on another matter.

“It was very hard going at times, but looking ahead you realised she would have to be able to fend for herself as much as possible.” The damages have provided the degree of independence that the mother sought for her daughter and the family. Their home has been adapted as necessary, the young lady has learned to drive a specially adapted car and her familiarity with computer technologies increases the communication skills she needs to do her job. Those damages, as planned, will enable her to purchase her own home and provide an income support in the years ahead.

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