Call us for free on 01482 316731 or 0800 3288923

No-win, no-fee.

Long term financial support

However much medical accident compensation you or your loved ones are awarded, it’s absolutely vital that this money is managed effectively, as running out of funds can have serious consequences for both quality of care and lifestyle.

At Medical Accident Claimline, our dedicated wealth management team can help you to manage your compensation fund in a sensible, sustainable manner to ensure that it can continue to provide care and security for your current and future needs.

Medical Accident Claimline are here to help secure the compensation you deserve.

Wherever possible we try and ensure that the lawyer who handled the claim goes on to provide professional support to the family for many years to come through our wealth management services. Some of our families have been receiving professional support from the same team for over 25 years.

In addition to helping you to structure your compensation monies in the most tax-efficient way possible, we can also remove the time, stress and hassle associated with managing large sums of money.

Our services include:

  • Trusts
  • Court of Protection services including Deputyships
  • Wills
  • Power of attorney
  • Tax planning
  • Administration of Estates

With over 150 years’ experience in helping clients to effectively manage, protect and grow their family wealth, you can trust Medical Accident Claimline to help you make the right decisions when it comes to managing your clinical and medical negligence compensation.

Get help with Long Term Financial Support

You deserve to live your life to the fullest.

Supporting you at every step of the way, our specialist team of experienced professionals will help to identify your current and future needs, to ensure you can adapt

We promise you have no obligation. You can just talk to us.

Prefer a face-to-face meeting?
We can meet at your home

You will get a truly personal service you can trust

Further help and support available

You’re in trusted hands with Medical Accident Claimline

If you have been a victim of medical negligence, and suffered a serious, life-changing injury, then Medical Accident Claimline can help you to get the compensation that you are entitled to.

Supporting you at every step of the way, our medical accident professionals will ensure that you receive the money and resources to pay for the rehabilitation and care you need to enjoy the best possible quality of life.


What is a medical negligence claim?

Whether it is a GP, surgeon, nurse, carer or paramedic – all medical professionals have a duty of care, which means they are legally bound to provide you with the best possible medical attention and treatment they can.

Sometimes, medical professionals get things wrong, and fail in this duty – it is what is known as medical negligence (or clinical negligence), and when this neglect causes you serious injury, you are entitled to medical accident compensation.

Call free 01482 316731